The Small Wonder Blog

Friday was Family Day! What a wonderful way to wrap up Week of the Young Child by celebrating all of our amazing families that share their Small Wonders with us everyday! We had so much fun this week doing special activities with all of the unique and precious children in our program! Thank you to …

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Artsy Thursday was so much colorful fun! Our Small Wonders had handfuls of fun showing us how art can be a part of every day! Keeping in the spirit of Work Together Wednesday, Orange and Pink rooms created colorful group rainbows using their hand prints. The kids loved getting only a little bit …

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We all got in the spirit for Work Together Wednesday! Teachers built an obstacle course and everyone tried it out! While it may seem like there's not much 'working together' and everyone is enjoying the obstacle course on their own, there is actually so much cooperation involved! …

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Pizza and jello and muffins, oh my! Tasty Tuesday was lots of yummy fun! Preschoolers heard a silly story about a moose eating a muffin then made their own muffins to munch on! (image: k-prep.png) Purple room kiddos got to make and eat their own pizzas and our littlest wonders enjoyed exploring …

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Music Monday Fun!

April 3, 2023

Shake, rattle, and bang! We had such a fun Music Monday! Our preschoolers were thrilled to have volunteers from Lewistown Jr High Band help them with making instruments. In our infant toddler rooms our wonderful teachers also helped our littles make drums, rattles, and shakers using everyday …

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