The Small Wonder Blog

Ice Cream Day!

July 19, 2023

Hip hip hooray! We all scream for ice cream! Thank you so much to Cienna, Mandy, Breena, & Allison for letting us borrow your ice cream makers! They worked great for our Little Wonders to get to taste fresh homemade ice cream! Some of our older kids got to enjoy the wonder of making their own …

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Every summer Small Wonder participates in (optional) group swim lessons with the Lewistown City Pool. Families sign up with us and we coordinate with pool staff, rearrange our center staff & schedules, lather sunscreen on wiggly Little Wonders, and load up the vans every day for two weeks! Why …

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Did you happen to get a yummy treat at our Bake Sale a few weeks ago? Your donations turned into a spectacular day trip for our Kids Club kids, teachers, and volunteer! Thank you so much to everyone for supporting the bake sale, those earnings helped Kids Club go to ZooMontana, Pictograph Cave …

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It worked ~ Our outstanding day recipe turned out perfectly!! Everyone had so much fun! Bikes and Trikes in the lot included races, a Bike Wash, Bike Repair Shop, Gas Station, great riding & pedal practice, and even a few pretend 'citations'. 😉😅 Great fun with the bonus benefit of engaging …

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Want to know the recipe for an outstanding day? Mix equal parts Bikes & Trikes + National Mud Day!! Thursday, June 29th will be Bikes and Trikes Day for kids in Red Room & older. Bring your helmet and park your bike or trike on the brick wall for some parking lot riding fun! Everyone will …

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May 30, 2023

It's been a momentous week… Thursday our Preschoolers graduated from Small Wonders into Kindergarteners becoming LPS's newest 'Eagles'. Sunday, many former Little Wonders turned their tassels as Big Wonders heading off to take those next big steps (including our very own Mr. Nathan!). Around the …

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