Small Wonder Child Care

Lewistown, Montana

We Work Together Wednesday!

April 5, 2023

We all got in the spirit for Work Together Wednesday! Teachers built an obstacle course and everyone tried it out! While it may seem like there's not much 'working together' and everyone is enjoying the obstacle course on their own, there is actually so much cooperation involved! Teachers worked together with other teachers to form the obstacle course. (image: it-1-blur.png) Teachers of course helped our Littles go through the obstacle course. (image: it-2.png) And kids are also helping each other get through it as they all go together. (image: it-3.png) They may be physically helping a friend get up or over something, they may be giving directions to a friend of what they're supposed to do for that part of the obstacle course, or even just providing some encouragement to a friend. There are so many ways we can all work together!! (image: it-4.png) Work together Wednesday is for all of us every day! Here are some ways to play and work cooperatively with your Little Wonder at home along with a few reasons why it's so important: