Small Wonder Child Care

Lewistown, Montana

Yummy Tasty Tuesday !

April 4, 2023

Pizza and jello and muffins, oh my! Tasty Tuesday was lots of yummy fun! Preschoolers heard a silly story about a moose eating a muffin then made their own muffins to munch on! (image: k-prep.png) Purple room kiddos got to make and eat their own pizzas and our littlest wonders enjoyed exploring food tastes and touch with sensory jello! (image: l-purple-4-crop.png) (image: pink-2-hm.png) Cooking together is a wonderful learning and bonding experience for our children and adults alike. NAEYC says "Tasty Tuesday isn’t just about eating your favorite snacks together. It’s also about cooking together and connecting math with literacy skills and science while introducing ways to incorporate healthy habits into children’s lifestyles." (image: l-purple-2-crop.png) (image: orange-1.png) Here are some great links to help you have your own Tasty Tuesday (or any day!) at home: Recipes and cooking tips for toddlers & beyond: Help for 'highly selective' (picky!) eaters: (image: pink-1-kn.png)