Small Wonder Child Care

Lewistown, Montana

We Love WOYC!

April 9, 2024

Join us in celebrating the Week of the Young Child! This special annual event is a time for us to honor the wonder, joy, and importance of early childhood for children and families! Stay tuned to see what we have planned for our Little Wonders and ways you can join in the fun at home! "During the Week of the Young Child, NAEYC encourages all early childhood educators, advocates and allies to lift up your voices on behalf of young children, and the adults who love, care for, and educate them!"

We started our Week of the Young Child celebration with an amazingly fun Music Monday! Thanks to our special visitors from the School of Music at the Emporium, our Little Wonders got to see, hear, and touch some traditional instruments. Then they joined in with their own instruments. We had so much fun making music together! Music not only brings joyous smiles, it also plays a crucial role in all areas of development. Help support your Little Wonder at home by sprinkling in some music fun too!:

Have extra eggs left from Easter? DIY maracas are a great use for them! Find more easy instruments to make here:

Curious how music helps language, social, motor skills, and so much more? Read on!: